Discovering Your Purpose and Improving Your Work

Desiree Peterkin Bell
3 min readJan 13, 2023

When you know your mission, you may work more effectively toward achieving long-term success. Additionally, it can assist you in maximizing your relationships and work. In this essay, we will examine many methods for discovering your purpose. Education, self-reflection, and writing will be discussed.

Self-compassion is an attitude of kindness and nonjudgment towards oneself. It is a strategy to overcome negative self-talk and failure by maintaining a positive attitude in challenging conditions.

People with self-compassion will not blame themselves for a failure but, instead, make their best effort to resolve the issue. This enables them to proceed and gives them the confidence to overcome their fear of failing.

Self-compassion will boost your mental health and resilience in the face of adversity. Studies indicate that self-compassionate individuals are more effective in achieving their goals. In addition, they are better able to manage stress and make healthier lifestyle decisions.

Writing a letter to oneself may be a self-compassionate activity. Not only can it alleviate tension and anxiety, but it can also enhance awareness. A recent study indicated that sending a letter to oneself assisted individuals in setting and achieving objectives. This is due to the brain’s production of the feel-good hormone oxytocin.

Creating a goals and objectives plan is one of the finest strategies to maximize your company’s potential. The challenge is creating a formal list of objectives and duties for a particular period. Once this list is organized, you will be well on your way to a new level of productivity. Having a list of obligations is one thing, but having a list of objectives is another. You may ensure a high-fidelity output by determining the optimal objectives and executing a performance standards program.

It is also a good idea to maintain a master list of objectives for subsequent review. For instance, your list should have a list of high-level objectives with a specified timeline. The same list may then be separated into smaller subgroups, enhancing performance and promoting a healthy workplace. Maintaining a master list facilitates quick access to rotating lists, minimizing the need for meetings and paperwork.

Education, experience, and self-reflection typically spring to mind when we consider what it takes to accomplish a better job. These three factors can go a long way toward enhancing your performance. They may also assist you in making wise judgments. However, evaluating these components may be challenging. Here, we examine how they might be utilized efficiently and what implementation techniques are available.

In the early phases of your professional growth, it is essential to establish your professional identity. Whether a first-year student or a doctor, your educational, professional, and personal experiences are crucial to building the professional character you choose to cultivate.

Self-reflection facilitates enhanced learning and decision-making. It helps you discover the areas you need to develop, allowing you to take responsibility for your education. There have been several attempts to characterize the reflective process. Despite being time-consuming, it may be extremely beneficial for continual progress.

If you are interested in discovering your purpose and doing a better job, consider writing your life story. It is crucial to put down your goals, aspirations, and wishes, whether you use a notebook or a Vision Board Checklist. These can help you achieve a more positive outlook and discover your mission.

When creating a statement of purpose, you should make it personal and distinctive. Writing about your life is also an excellent approach to discovering more about yourself. You will be more likely and able to achieve your goals if you are sincere.

Choosing your mission is a difficult endeavor. You may need to examine your inner self and confront your thoughts. However, you will feel it in your bones once you have discovered your mission. It is very difficult to experience frustration and dissatisfaction if you are fulfilling your mission.



Desiree Peterkin Bell

Desiree Peterkin Bell is passionate about mentoring the younger generation, especially young women of color.